A study done by the National Library of Medicine shows that 20 to 40% of seniors in the U.S. have dry mouth. This problem results when you lack adequate saliva to keep your mouth wet.
Dry mouth can lead to painful sores and ulcers when not addressed on time. You can also develop oral infections, such as candidiasis, making chewing and swallowing difficult.
By exploring the underlying cause of this oral problem, you get better insights into managing and recovering quickly from it. You learn about its symptoms, causes, and treatments.
Explore the practical tips for managing this condition effectively.
Knowing the potential causes of this condition will help you take the right prevention measures. Take a look at some of the factors that cause dry mouth.
Some over-the-counter medications alter saliva production, leading to a dry mouth. Examples of medications that may cause this problem include:
Other medications, such as painkillers and anticholinergics, can also lower saliva production. To prevent the problem, check the side effects of any medication before using it.
Medical conditions like diabetes, especially when poorly managed, can make your mouth dry. High glucose levels and increased urination dehydrate the body, lowering saliva production.
Autoimmune diseases such as Sjogren's syndrome target moisture-producing glands in the body. If this happens, you may experience persistent mouth dryness. Other conditions that can cause mouth dryness include:
Unhealthy lifestyle choices will likely alter your normal oral moisture. For instance, smoking can irritate your salivary glands, declining their functioning. This happens after the produced toxins like nicotine damage the glands' tissues.
When you consume alcohol excessively, you end up urinating excessively. Increased urination dehydrates the body, lowering the levels of fluids like saliva.
Additionally, mouth breathing due to nasal congestion can increase saliva evaporation. This can cause mouth dryness and alter oral pH due to unfiltered air.
Aging comes with natural changes in the body, which may reduce saliva production. While aging might not directly cause dry mouth, it can interact with other factors contributing to the condition. Some of these factors include:
Understanding the symptoms of dry mouth will help you seek treatment early. The most obvious ones are cracked lips and a dry tongue.
You may also spot mouth sores or feel a burning sensation. Other signs that can indicate you have this oral problem include:
Managing dry mouth requires you to address the underlying issues fully. The following strategies can help you manage the condition and alleviate the symptoms.
Hydration is one of the simplest yet most effective natural remedies for dry mouth. Drinking ample water throughout the day can help you maintain oral moisture.
Water also washes away particles and bacteria that can exacerbate dryness. To combat nocturnal dryness, drink water before bed. Practice breathing through the nose if mouth breathing is behind the problem.
A healthy diet, which includes hydrating foods, can further support moisture levels. Types of hydrating foods that can help manage this condition include:
You can also use a humidifier in your bedroom at night to add moisture to the air. This will help keep your lips moist, preventing dry mouth issues.
Over-the-counter saliva substitutes can help if natural remedies aren't working. Examples of substitutes that may temporarily relieve dry mouth symptoms include:
These products mimic the natural saliva, helping keep your mouth moist. They also contain ingredients that reduce irritation, preventing sore formation.
Saliva substitutes can be effective if your condition is a result of underlying illnesses or medical treatments. But before using them, consult a preventive dentistry specialist in Ashburn, VA, especially if you have an underlying condition.
This way, you will avoid taking products that may interact with your medications.
Prescription medications are suitable for people with severe mouth dryness. Prescriptions like pilocarpine and cevimeline can help stimulate saliva production. Taking them will gradually relieve the discomfort of mouth dryness.
Before buying prescription or over-the-counter medications, consult a doctor to find the safe ones. A professional doctor can enlighten you about the medications' side effects. The doctor may also connect you with a dentist in Ashburn, VA, for your regular dental checkups.
Habits like consuming acidic and sugary foods tend to worsen mouth dryness. Acidic foods exacerbate the condition by irritating the salivary glands. Sugary foods intensify mouth dryness by drawing away moisture from salivary gland tissues.
These foods create a favorable environment for oral bacteria to grow. Mouth bacteria tend to produce extra acid that worsens this oral problem.
Try chewing sugar-free gum to stimulate your glands to produce saliva. Doing this will help keep your mouth lubricated even after eating acidic or sugary foods.
Proper oral hygiene can also prevent complications like gum diseases, which reduce saliva production. Some oral health practices that help manage mouth dryness include regular teeth brushing and flossing.
A dry mouth speeds up the buildup of oral bacteria. You risk suffering painful sores, tooth decay, and bad breath if you don't manage mouth dryness early. However, visiting a professional dentist in Ashburn, VA, will prevent such problems.
Don't let that mild oral discomfort you're experiencing get intense. At Simply Smiles, we perform modern oral diagnoses to help us check the severity of mouth dryness and tailor your treatment. Our professional dentists are also committed to treating gum problems, cavities, and other complications caused by mouth dryness.
Don't wait until you can't eat, swallow, or speak efficiently.
Check out our dental treatment services today!
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