You may just use mouthwash to give you fresh breath, but did you know that certain mouthwashes offer additional benefits for your oral health? Did you also know that not all mouthwashes are the same? While many often believe that mouthwashes only provide fresh breath, certain mouthwashes can protect your oral health and even prevent certain complications. But, which mouthwash is the best?
As your local dentist, we are here to clear the air about mouthwashes. We have everything you need to know to choose the best mouthwash for your specific needs.
When you walk down the dental care isle in the store, you are faced with a lot of options—it can be overwhelming! We’re here to help you narrow down the selection when it comes to mouthwashes.
The very first thing you need to look for is the American Dental Association seal of approval, which means the ADA has tested the mouthwash to be effective and safe. When using an ADA-supported mouthwash, there is clear evidence that you can prevent gingivitis, reduce plaque and tartar, or even help to strengthen the teeth.
Depending on your oral health needs, you can choose different mouthwashes with different ingredients. Generally, you will have four different types of mouthwashes to choose from, which include: antimicrobial ingredients, fluoride, astringent salts, and odor neutralizers.
Antimicrobial mouthwashes are effective for reducing the number of bacteria found in the mouth. By doing so, you are able to reduce plaque, decrease the risk for gum disease, and help keep bad breath under control due to the reduction of bacteria.
Fluoride mouthwashes contain fluoride to strengthen the teeth. Fluoride is a natural means to fight cavities as fluoride treatments and products replace lost fluoride levels in the teeth, which will make the teeth prone to cavities. With a fluoride mouth rinse, you will reduce the amount of lost fluoride to protect the enamel from tooth decay.
Astringent salts and odor neutralizers essentially serve the same purpose—to stop bad breath. Astringent salts temporarily deodorize the mouth, masking bad breath. Odor neutralizers directly target odor-causing compounds to inactivate them to control bad breath.
Contrary to popular belief, not everyone must use mouthwash. Those who suffer from dry mouth, bad breath, are prone to cavities, or have gum disease will benefit from the use of mouthwash. In order for the washes to be effective, you will need to use it after you have completed your normal dental routine.
If you are suffering from certain oral complications, it might be time to give a mouthwash a try. You will not only have fresh breath, but promote your oral health as well.
As your trusted dental team, Family Dentistry & Implant Center in Ashburn will evaluate your oral health to determine if you will benefit from a mouthwash. We will offer recommendations to which form you should use and the most effective brands for your specific needs. If you need advice over the phone or have any questions, feel free to contact our helpful office team.
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Wed 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
(Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month close at 12:00 pm)
Thru- 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fri- 7:30 am-2:30 pm
(Every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month )
Saturday 8:00 am-2:00pm
(Every 4th Saturday of the month)
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