Did you know that by age 50, Americans have lost an average of 12 teeth? Even one missing tooth can cause dental health issues. The impacts of tooth loss can lead to changes in your mental and physical health.
If you have any missing back teeth, talk to your Ashburn, VA dentist. They can protect your smile, reducing your oral health risks.
What exactly are the risks? Read on to find out!
You may lose a tooth due to:
Losing a tooth can also contribute to these problems. However, these are only a few reasons to consider getting dental implants to replace a lost tooth.
As your oral health deteriorates, you may notice changes to your overall health. Here are a few dental health issues you may experience after losing a back tooth.
After losing a tooth, the gap left behind can become a breeding ground for bacteria. Plaque will form from this bacteria, saliva, and pieces of food. Plaque is the tacky, clear substance that causes tooth decay.
The decay can spread before causing a pit in your tooth. The plaque may hide beneath your gum line, increasing your risk of gum disease.
Common symptoms of tooth decay can include:
If you experience these symptoms, visit your Ashburn dentist right away. Immediate treatment can help you avoid complications. Otherwise, a tooth abscess (a bacterial infection) will form.
An abscess can spread to your jawbone, face and neck soft tissues, or beyond. It could travel to your heart or brain, causing endocarditis or bacterial meningitis. A tooth abscess won't go away on its own.
Your dentist can close the gap in your smile with a dental implant. Other missing teeth solutions include full or partial dentures. Closing the gap in your smile can reduce your risk of tooth decay and complications.
Gingivitis is an inflammation in your gums. It can develop due to plaque buildup. Remember, plaque will spread if you're already missing a tooth.
You may notice your gums bleeding when you brush or floss your teeth. Other symptoms of gum disease include:
When left untreated, gingivitis can progress to the advanced state of gum disease. Periodontitis can increase your risk of losing more teeth. The disease will destroy your gums, bones, and other tissues.
Gingivitis and tooth decay can increase your risk of other health issues, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease. You can protect your oral and overall health by replacing your lost back tooth.
Your dentist may recommend a dental implant or dental bridges. Closing the gap in your smile will make brushing and flossing easier. You can maintain good oral health, preventing tooth loss in the future.
The roots of your teeth provide your jawbone with ongoing stimulation. Without this stimulation, your jawbone may atrophy and deteriorate. You could experience additional tooth loss due to one missing tooth.
As your jawbone deteriorates, you may notice changes in your appearance. Your face may sink inward, causing wrinkles to form. You'll begin to look older if you neglect to seek treatment.
Ask your dentist to walk you through the dental implant procedure. The procedure involves placing an artificial root into your jawbone. This root will provide your jawbone with stimulation.
Your Ashburn dentist will place a dental crown atop the implant. This crown will restore the appearance and functionality of your smile.
Missing teeth will make it more difficult for you to chew hard foods. You may start cutting certain foods out of your diet. This could lead to nutritional issues and vitamin deficiencies.
Before that happens, determine if dental implants suit your needs. They'll restore the functionality of your missing teeth. You can chew as you used to, reducing the risk of nutritional issues.
A missing tooth can affect your speed patterns. You may begin slurring words or develop a lisp. These problems can make you feel self-conscious in professional and personal settings.
Dental implants are the ideal solution for replacing missing teeth. They can restore your appearance and resolve speech issues.
The impacts of tooth loss go beyond dental health issues. They can also affect your mental health.
Do you hate the appearance of your smile? You're not alone. About three in five people hate how their smiles look.
A missing tooth can make you feel self-conscious. You may stop smiling, which can reduce serotonin production. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that can improve your mood and overall well-being.
You can replace your missing teeth with a dental implant or bridge. Implants have a high success rate. They also last longer than dentures while providing stability.
Still not sure if dental implants are right for you? Consider
these additional reasons to replace your missing teeth.
Schedule a consultation appointment with your dentist to review their missing teeth solutions. These may include:
You can review this
guide on dental implants to learn more.
Don't let your missing back teeth affect your oral or overall health. Instead, visit your Ashburn dentist to avoid these dental health issues. With their treatment options, you can mitigate oral health risks and restore your smile.
Our team at Simply Smiles Family & Implant Dentistry can provide the comprehensive dental care you deserve. We're dedicated to our patients' oral health and making dental care affordable.
We can restore your smile to protect it from the impacts of tooth loss! Trust our experienced, qualified team. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.
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